United we stand, United we will win!

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July 2024

United we stand, United we will win!

Israel is at war

Over its 75 years of existence, the State of Israel has faced wars and security challenges. This time, the situation is different. The brutal and inhumane attack that originated from Gaza, carried out by Hamas has been directed at our citizens. over 1,300 Israelis were murdered and more than 3,500 were injured. Most of them are innocent civilians, women, elders, children, and infants, who were massacred, while hundreds of them were kidnapped into Gaza on a dark day that will be remembered forever.

The State of Israel, along with its people, is resilient. We will overcome the forces of evil and emerge from this trial stronger. Our strength is in our unity, spirit and resilience.

One of our pillars of strength is our thriving economy, a free economy built on a robust, innovative and groundbreaking industry. The destructive effects of the war are only beginning to become clear, and the situation may become even more difficult. The harsh images of recent days echo within us and the entire world. However, we will recover, grow, and emerge stronger.

From all the local and global crises, Israel has emerged with its economy continuing to thrive and grow, serving as an example and model to the world.

We express our gratitude to our friends and our global business partners worldwide for their brave support and kindly ask you all to continue to stand with Israel and its economy.

 United we stand and united we will win and overcome.

The Israel Export Institute

A non for profit organization, established in 1958 as a joint venture between the government of the State of Israel and the private sector to encourage and promote Israeli exports and international trade worldwide.

With over 65 years of experience the Israel Export Institute, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Industry, supports Israeli companies with their international outreach and creates business opportunities around the world.

We are a home for thousands of Israeli companies from all industries. We provide all export related activities and services under one roof – training, professional advisory services, data and analytics as well as numerous business opportunities in all sectors around the world. The Israel Export Institute serves also as the governments’ arm for formal business delegations and national business pavilions abroad representing the Israel’s Innovation and capabilities.

How can we maximize your company’s export capabilities?

  1. Create tailor made business opportunities– our Business development unit is divided to clusters and sectors, covering high tech, life sciences, climate tech, Food and agriculture, Cyber HLS, telecom and more. Each sector has a business development team as well as an advisory board made out of Industry professionals. Working closely with the Foreign Trade Administration at the Ministry of Economy and Industry, we build a dedicated work plan for each sector providing numerous international business opportunities. We participate in road shows, exhibitions, take out going delegations and host incoming delegations and provide scouting services for international companies and investors.
  2. Help build your capacity – We provide companies with various tools to enhance their capabilities as well as to provide them with data and information on potential markets and partnerships. The Export Institute is working with experts in fields of international trade, and provides also mentoring services in export related activities. Through our business intelligence unit we also provide information on markets, business opportunities, tenders, as well as tailored business intelligence services.
  3. Provide professional training – Our College for Export and International Marketing holds hundreds of courses, webinars and seminars which provide practical tools alongside theoretical knowledge in all fields related to export, trade and international marketing.

Enjoy all the services under one roof! Experts, Connections, International Exposure, targeted data and information, training and business opportunities.

With 900 activities annually, 20,000 participants from 5000 companies we are a unique hub of information and business opportunities.

We invite you to join our community and work together with us to expand your activities worldwide.


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